Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Is this all just a bad dream??

Well, last night it happened. The President Elect was elected. I am not happy about it.
Not really much left to say.

Please, God, give me strength and understanding. I really need it today.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Monday Craziness!

So, it is Monday....nothing special, just Monday. My plan was to clean up the house a bit. (Which I have done!) I did some laundry. I have played online reading blogs, twittering, and looking at etsy stuff. You know, all the normal stuff.

I needed a few things and decided to run out to wally world. (It is close and cheap and the only place I know where I can buy oj, envelopes and CD-R's.)

So, as usual, I find myself wondering around, looking at all the stuff wally world sells. (Wally world, btw, is Wal-Mart).

Then, my phone rings. It is a temp agency I registered with last week. They had a job posted that sounded interesting and I decided to apply. Well, I interviewed for it on Thursday. I didn't feel that good about it. I didn't think I had prepared for it very well at all. By Friday (the next day) I had written it off to good interview practice for the future!

So - the lady is calling me from the temp place. They are offering me the job! What??!!
Are you sure? I am thinking this lady has accidentally called the wrong person. She can't mean they are offering this job to me.

But, low and behold, they are.

She called me almost 2 hours ago and I am still in shock!

There are a few things that will suck now. I will have to start getting up early again. I don't like mornings!
I will not have all this free time to play online and play with my dogs and do artsy-craftsy creative stuff. That kinda sucks!

Oh well....everything happens for a reason, right?
I am just praying that this works out well!

Until next time.