Thursday, October 16, 2008

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Today, on the second day of my blog, I thought I would write about something that I don't like - cancer.

I found out just yesterday that a girl I went to high school with has been battling breast cancer for more than a year now. Talk about a sick feeling. Someone who is my age (early 30's) should not be fighting breast cancer. It just isn't right! But, on the bright side, she looks wonderful and I know that she will overcome this horrible disease.

I have personally lost more than 10 family members and friends to cancer. I sincerely hope that one day we can look back on cancer the way we look back on polio today.

I wanted to post about cancer today, not to be a "Debbie Downer" or all doom and gloom. I wanted this to be a positive post. As a "glass half full" type of person, I have always looked for the silver lining in every situation. And, as bad as cancer is - I do think some good things can come from it. Actually, they are things that should just be anyway....why wait until something like cancer causes you to find it?

For example:
* Live each day like it is your last. Live life to the fullest. (I know you hear this all the time - but
you should live each day like it is your last - you truly never know.)

* Make sure that the people you love, know you love them. When I was 8, my grandfather
passed away. To this day it bothers me that I can't remember if I ever told him that I loved
him. I sure hope I did.

* Be the person that you want to be. Do the things that you want to do. Do what makes you
happy. Don't worry about what other people think. You only get one shot at life.

* Lastly, and maybe most importantly, if you are reading this and you are happy and healthy
right now, do whatever it takes to stay that way. By this I mean take care of yourself. Exercise
everyday. Eat your fruits and vegetables everyday. If you actually care about your life, you will
take care of yourself. Isn't it much better to live in such a way that you prevent disease from
ever happening in the first place? That is a million gazillion times better than actually getting a
disease and then having to fight it. The power of fruits and vegetables is amazing....and we just
don't eat enough of them. Eat right, exercise - it really is important. And, it is the best thing
you can do for yourself and those you love.

Ok - so I thought it might be good to post some links on stuff you might be interested in. Here they are:

This is a cool website that helps you track what you eat and how much you exercise. They are all about being healthy. Gotta love that!

This website has a nice collection of inspirational quotes. Couldn't we all use more of these?

Get your daily inspiration by email.

And now for your enjoyment something completely different....

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