Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My New Blog

Well, since everyone else in the world has a blog, why not join in the fun?

Hi everyone. I am Erica from E Land Designs. The E stands for a lot of stuff - but mainly it stands for eclectic. (Just like me!)

I am a creative person who jumps around a lot. By jumping around, I mean that I like all kinds of stuff and all kinds of stuff interests me. So, I have a tendency to jump from one thing to another.

What does this mean for you, my reader? Well...hopefully it means that you will find my blog lively and enjoyable. And, if nothing else, it will be different from week to week. (Heck, probably even from day to day!)

For today - since I am so new and all - I am going to have a short post. I will delve into more stuff later. But, for now, please check out my artwork and my esty site.

Have a great evening and talk to you tomorrow!

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